Krishna Devotee

Krishna Devotee

Lord Krishna, who plays an inevitable role in the spiritual arena of people following Hinduism across the globe, is believed to respond to each one of His devotees.

Most of the preaching of Lord Krishna to His devotees is found in the Holy Book of Hinduism, the Bagavath Gita, describing incidents before, during and after Gurukshetra War. The epic event of Great Hindu epic Mahabharata, acclaimed as the fifth Veda in Hinduism. Lord Krishna delivers His duties as the chauffer for Arjuna, one of the Pandavas in war field. Whenever Arjuna got depressed, was reluctant to make decisions, got scared about the future, was uncertain about the past and present, Lord Krishna consoles and directs Him towards a striking victory. The conversations between Lord Krishna and Arjuna are composed as Baghavat Gita and in that Lord Krishna describes about concept of total surrendering to God.

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